Groundbreaking: Piggly Wiggly Coming to North Autauga County
As part of the continuing efforts to drive economic development and investment in Autauga County, the Economic Development Committee of the Prattville Area Chamber of Commerce and local elected officials held a groundbreaking today for a new Piggly Wiggly, located at 2003 Highway 31 North, which will serve the residents in Pine Level and Marbury.
Holley Properties, LLC is the developer of this Piggly Wiggly franchise and their $3 million investment will result in a 28,000-square foot “fresh” concept grocery store, complete with gas pumps. They also have plans to hire approximately 50 employees, including four managers. Keith and Paula Holley pride themselves as family owned and operated with all three of their children involved in their other stores, creating a positive workplace. Completion date is December 2017.
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